Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sprung and Spry

Well a 10 day hospital stay and 5 more days of IVs at home, I'm good to go. I pulled the needle after this mornings last dose. I feel so much better than even at my August discharge. The 2 drug combo I was on this time Cefepime and minocycline really kicked butt.

I mentally prepared for my hospital stay to last 14 days in house. But the swine flu was going around the hospital. It was decided that the risk staying in house was greater than if I was sent home. Infection control on our hospital floor was increased, anyone entering the room had to wear the special N95 respiratory mask. The nurses absolutely hate wearing them because they are suffocating to breathe in while wearing. They entered our rooms, did whatever they had to do quickly, and made a speedy exit.

Two of my CF friends who go to my clinic, were admitted to the hospital at the same time as me, both with swine flu. They were both very sick and miserable. I decided on discharge that I didn't even want to go there, that I would seek out the vaccine as soon as available.

The LA county public health dept started their H1N1 free vaccine clinics the week I came home. I bit the bullet and decided to try to get it on my own rather than wait for my clinic to have it available. They still had no ETA when they would have them. On Sat, I arrived at 7:30 am for a 10am clinic opening. The wait was in a Whittier park, which was nice. The line swelled to 5,000 people in no time at all. I kept my distance from people and wore my mask when I went inside to finally get my poke. So far I've had no side affects at all. My concern of course, was to try to have some immunities built up before we leave on vacation in 2 weeks. The timing couldn't have been better. Now I  just to need to wait and see if it really keeps me from catching it. : )

1 comment:

CowTown said...

Yay for being out!!! Sounds a little chaotic in-house right now huh?

I'm planning on driving somewhere tomorrow morning to try and get the shot.

I hope you don't get it either.