Time to post a short one, if nothing else to rid my blog of the last negative entry about 2009 . . . LOL.
The year has started busy as usual. Packed up all the Christmas schtuff, and cleaned the house like crazy. I can't wait to return my house back to normal after the holidays, even though it looks bare.
Jen celebrated her 30th BD on Jan. 19th, yikes!! It just seems like yesterday I turned 30. I can't believe I have a 'child' who turned the corner into her 3rd decade. Other than feeling old, Jen is actually doing very well. She is finally letting go of her marriage, accepting that fact that her and Brent are over. She's looking forward to her 30s as a new chance to start fresh.
She has been attending a divorce care support group at church, it has been a tremendous help. Her friends are a great support to her, helping her to move forward. Plus she started a new job as a dental asst. which she really likes. I still watch the kiddos while she works which keeps me and Terry both hopping.
I had a clinic visit on Wed 1-20. Not too bad, but could be better. My FEV1 numbers are down a little bit to 47%. The numbers drive me crazy, because I feel pretty good. When the numbers don't reflect how I feel, it's frustrating because I expect them to be higher. Dr. R assures me to not focus on numbers so much, rather how I feel. I agree, but still . . . The good news, if you want to call it that, about my numbers being down, is my FEV dipped down to 1 liter. : ( That number officially qualifies me for a handicapped placard for parking in a handicap stall. There have been a few times when I don't feel well or on IVs, that walking distances is a chore and makes me SOB. I will use it for those times I'm under the weather. Dr. R gave me the necessary paperwork and I'll take it to the DMV this week. UGH, hate going to the DMV.
So, I'm up to speed, I'm going to try to be a good blogger and keep this more up to date. For now, I took a cue from Jen and rearranged my attitude, to start 2010 anew as well.

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