Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Officially Official

Yep, yesterday was the day.

8-9-10 . . .  a memorable day and easy to remember.

I had my CF clinic visit and had a great clinical visit and heart to heart talk with Dr. R. He is not only a great Doc but a caring, communicative, 'hearing' doc. He listens to what I have to say, understands, and takes what I have to say to heart.

He understands my point of view concerning transplant. My feelings of timing and the question if the time is right for me. He knows my hesitant thinking, being always told I was such a healthy CFer. It's been drilled into me, since day one of diagnoses, that I was different, healthier, and well, indestructible, (so I thought, he he). 

Dr. R is great at explaining from a clinical point of view, from a doc's eyes, how fragile and precarious, the state of my lungs are in. He looked at me, saying, "I don't want you to miss your opportunity to list. If you wait too long and your health takes a turn for the worse, you could slip out of the prime window of listing." He said since my left lung is virtually non functioning, I have no reserves if my right lung decides to go south. In other words, I'm a ticking time bomb.

I've told Dr. R  I'm a realistic, tell it to me straight person. I want no sugar coating or beating around the bush. My mind wants to know what is at hand, turn the situation over every which way I can, analyze and re analyze, and come to a conclusion, of what is right for me. Then and only then, can I come to terms and face whole heartedly what I need to face.

I'm there. 
I need a lung transplant. 
I embrace it. 
I'm ready.

After a surreal couple months of evaluation testing, doc visits and mostly my mind analyzing, the time is here and now. I'm on board 1000% and optimistic that the outcome will be great.

As of 8-9-10, I'm officially listed for a double lung transplant. 

Let the waiting begin.

1 comment:

Just me said...

I'm so happy that you have a doctor like Dr. R. Coincidentally, Jordan's CF doctor is Dr. R as well. :) He is also a very good listener, and a very kind individual.

I can't imagine what you've gone through in coming to terms with the condition of your "impressive" lungs. I'm glad that you're at peace with your decision, and I hope that the perfect pair of lungs comes along for you at the perfect time. <3
