I can't begin to tell you how incredibly sad and shocked I am today to learn the news of, not 1 but 2, CF friends of mine passing this past week.
D and W were both friends and long time patients at our, now former, clinic. We all jokingly considered ourselves part of the 'senior set' of clinic W at 61, me at 52 and D at 44.
W and I go all the way back to 1981 when I was first Dx. At the time I was 25, she 34. My docs brought her in to talk to me about living with CF and to have another CF adult to connect with. We became fast friends and we both did very well over the years with not many problems. She was married but never had any children. She moved to Texas for many years and we lost contact. Then a couple years back, I heard she moved back to CA. But we just never reconnected because of cross contamination issues and just busy life. We always asked our nurse about each other in clinic but never got each other's phone or email. I'm sad about that now. I had not even heard she had been struggling lately.
I met D about 10 years ago. We both participated in our clinic's Annual Education Day as adult speakers on a panel of usually 5-6 adult patients. The Ed day is held for all CF patients and their families and health care workers who wish to learn more about CF. The day always includes lunch, many healthcare speakers and a rare social opportunity for us adults to get to know each other better. And of course, using infection control, masks and kept at arms distance. D was easy to talk to, kind, funny and soft spoken, a loving husband, a doting father to his 8 yo daughter M, and a proud stay-at-home Dad.
I last saw and chatted with D in Feb. He seemed fine and actually said everything was great with him, still enjoying and spending time with M. He was toying with the idea of working part time from home. I remember we both 'retired' from our full time jobs around the same time 8 years ago, him to care for his baby full time.
I know how fast CF can rear it's ugly head and take a devastating turn for the worse. Such is the hideousness that is CF.
Both of my friends' untimely deaths were not only quick but also unexpected. They both will be truly missed.
The gut wrenching reality of CF really hits home when you personally know someone who has been so brutally taken away. We all endure constant losses and reminders of what lies ahead for ourselves. I HATE IT!!!
My sincere condolences go out to their families and friends.
I pray for strength and peace in the coming days as they say their final goodbyes.
For W and D . . .
I will forever remember your smiles, your laughs and your joyful insights.
You both had an incredible sense of optimism, sanguinity and strength.
Peace be with you, my friends . . .
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