I got 2 new things I hadn't planned on this year.
And what a surprise they were.
On Dec 15th I attended my Grandson's 3rd BD party.
Lo and behold someone showed up to the party sicker than a dawg, spreading their wretched bugs to everyone. Who the H*ll goes to a child's birthday party sick??
Long story short, 2 days later I got really sick, along with about 5 other people that were there that day, including Terry.
I've been teetering precariously on the sickness edge since last admit in Aug. so I knew this was something I couldn't shake off myself. I just knew what was in store for me as I packed my bag for a clinic visit. And I thought in the back of my mind that I was prepared to accept the fact that Christmas dinner at our house probably wouldn't happen this year.
And then, the words I dreaded to hear . . . . you need to go in.
NOOOOOOOOOO! It's the week before Christmas, I'm having my family over for dinner on Christmas Eve - I CAN'T! I was furious but yet resigned, knowing I have to do what's best for me. I drag my butt from clinic directly across the street to the hospital. ARRRGGG.
So here's my first gift.
Instead of getting a lovely 4th PICC line this year, I agreed to my first port-a-cath. I was done with PICCs and my docs have been after me for a while now to praise the joys of a port. I had already told myself in August, "next admit, I'll do it." Little did I know that it would be a surprise Christmas gift to me.
Port surgery went fine although I didn't like that were only going to give me the lidocaine shots and no loopy drugs. Ask and you shall receive, got me some Versed (?) and made me just a little sleepy. But I ws still able to talk and joke with the team to help relieve my stress through the procedure. I chose to have it placed on my right chest, below the clavical. It was painful the first night but better every day after.
As Christmas Eve morning arrived it looked like I was not going home. My kidneys have been struggling with drugs again, we readjusted doses several times and were waiting for one last blood test to see if my kidneys were finally behaving. At 3:00 the answer was in - YESSSSSSS - kidneys were in normal range again and we could go home IF home health could be arranged for Christmas Eve night delivery of my home IV drugs and equipment.
I placed a flurry of phone calls, that yes I'll be home. My daughter, SIL and son raced over to our house and starting cooking dinner for everyone. I was finally released at 5:00 pm and came home to my waiting family, a home cooked meal, laughter, love and togetherness.
It was the best, blessed, Christmas gift of all.
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