Saturday, December 6, 2008


So soon after the recent, long trip to France, you ask? Yes, this was a last minute trip that I was hoping would happen. Just a short road trip to my final destination.

And just where did I go? Here's a hint:
The skyline of the beautiful (?) city I'm staying.

The 'resort' where I'm staying, is all glass, modern and very sterile white.

I checked into the lobby and got my room number. A kind volunteer helped me with my bags, as we entered the elevator to the 6th floor. I was anxious to see my room for the first time. Ah, Room 622, home away from home.
Here are some of the wonderful ammenities of Room 622.
A 'spacious' private room, decorated in antiseptic white, with a fabulous view of the 'resort'.

My own bathroom, again decorated in chaste white.
I've got my own bed that is even adjustable, cool! And look a few nice touches from home, a nice cuddly, green blanket and even comfy pillows especially for me.

I have several amazing, friendly 'attendants', that wait on me hand and foot, 24/7. A push of a button summons them to my feet, delivering anything I need. They insist on bringing me all kinds of goodie bags, every 6 hours.

I also have 24/7 room service, with respectable food. Like clockwork, my meals are delivered right to my lap . . . talk about service . . . breakfast in bed!!! (and lunch and dinner too.)

My vacation will last at least a week, maybe 2, depending on how long the boss 'lets' me stay. I plan on catching up on reading and cleaning out my computer. Here's me relaxing the day away in my luxurious surroundings.

Hope you enjoyed my vacation photos, you should visit here someday soon!!

Ok, Ok ya got me! 
You want the real story?

I've been feeling pretty rough the last month. As much as I try to hide how bad I feel, apparently everyone close to me can see right through the facade. It is hard to hide shortness of breath, constant coughing, and just plain NO energy.

I made a Doc appointment for Nov. 10th, about a week into the "I don't feel so hot month." My PFT (pulmonary function tests) numbers were down, but not drastically. Lungs sounded junky, but they've been worse. My weight and appetite stable. Doc didn't want to start antibiotics just yet, instead he increased my home breathing treatments to 3 a day to see if that does the trick. Go back on 12-1, re-evaluate, and then decide if it's time for a tune up.

I know my body and symptoms, when it's time for a tune up of IV drugs. I KNOW when I get SOB going up the stairs at home, that is an indicator that something evil is brewing, needing attention. Coughing fits until pass out or throw up is NOT my idea of fun. And feeling like I have severe flu for a solid month, that I know won't go away, is not an option. Oh heck, even Terry knows when I've crossed that imaginary line of no return. The guest bed or the downstairs recliner sofa gets plenty of use from one of us, when I cough uncontrollably all night long, he he.

My 12-1 appt rolls around, and sure enough, I'm feeling more lousy than ever. I leave home prepared, loaded down with packed bags, fully expecting a 2 week stay. My PFTs are down even further, thrusting me into the never-before-visited-40s% lung function. A number that scares the jeebers out of me. I've been in the 50s for 8 years now, slipping into the lower decade of numbers is clearly NOT something I want. Thankfully my doc agreed, he admitted me, and I hussle my butt and bags across the street, tail tucked between my legs. Honestly, when I get to this point of downward spiral, I almost look forward to a round of IVs, just so I can feel better.

I'm now 5 days in and I'm responding well to the IV cocktail of 2 drugs. My cough has all but disappeared. My restlessness makes me feel like a caged animal, pacing the hallways, looking for a hole to escape. Thankfully, USC does let us go outside in between treatments. Terry and I went down to the cafeteria today, ordered lunch to go and ate outside in the glorious sunshine.

The plan is to keep me locked up until Monday 12-8, do more PFTs to see if I've improved. If so, the doc says I can go home the second week and finish up the IVs.

My vacation just might be cut short, fine by me.

Sleep here I come.

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